Tag: Where is Garrison usa

Exploring the History and Beauty of Garrison, Colorado

Exploring the History and Beauty of Garrison, Colorado

Nestled in the heart of Colorado lies a hidden gem, Garrison. This small town may not be on everyone's radar, but it boasts a rich history and stunning natural beauty that is waiting to be explored. From its early days as a mining town to its current status as a peaceful retreat for outdoor enthusiasts, Garrison has something for everyone. So grab your hiking boots and join us as we delve into the fascinating history and breathtaking scenery of this charming Colorado destination. The Early History of Garrison, Colorado Garrison Colorado has a rich history that dates back to the late 1800s. Originally established as a mining town, Garrison was home to several silver and gold mines that attracted prospectors from all over the country. The first mine in the area was discovered in 1879 by Wi...