How to Deal With a Moth Infestation

When moths invade your home they will cause damage to clothes, carpets and other textiles. They are also attracted to and will eat foods such as dried pasta, grains and cornflakes.

Clothes moths create a lot of damage by chewing holes in wool, cashmere and similar natural fibers. They are often found in dark, undisturbed corners.


Moths are important pollinators, but they can be a pest in your home. They can cause damage to your clothing, furniture, and food items. They can also trigger allergic reactions, so it’s important to deal with a moth infestation as soon as possible.

Keep your closet and cupboards clean to reduce the risk of moths laying their eggs. Remove old clothing, throw away worn items, and store new clothes in vacuum-sealed bags or containers.

 Spray garments with a moth killer (Six Feet Under works for ticks and fleas, too) before putting them in storage. Vacuum regularly to remove moth poop and larvae from carpets, under furniture, and on the bottom of rugs. This will help kill off the moth eggs and prevent a recurrence of the problem in the future.

Regularly clean areas in your home that can harbor clothes moths, such as along baseboards and cracks where hair and debris collect; in closets where woolens and furs are stored; and inside and behind heaters and inside vents.

If you suspect a closet or cupboard has moths, wipe it down with a solution of diluted white vinegar and water to remove the silk webbing, eggs, and larvae.

 If the problem persists after the cleaning, call a pest control professional to fumigate and kill the moths. Clothes moths will feed on wool and other fabrics, so it’s best to wash and dry them before storing them, especially if they are soft or expensive, Forte advises.

Avoid storing wool in a closet where the temperature is low, such as in a basement or garage. Use cedar hangers and cedar balls, which moths detest, to hang clothing in the wardrobe and other places around the house, Forte says. Place dried herbs, such as rosemary, thyme or lavender, in a small cloth bag to hang near clothing for a natural, pleasant-smelling moth deterrent.

Seal clothing, including seasonal clothing, in airtight plastic storage bags or metal containers, which keep out dust and moisture. These should be placed in the main part of the house, not in a cold, humid attic or basement.

Dry Clean

Dry cleaning a clothing item before storing it in a closet or storage container will prevent moths from getting a hold of it. It is also a good idea to use the hot wash cycle on your washing machine to kill moth larvae and eggs that have already developed.

However, you must be aware that this will not necessarily remove the moths from your garments; they will simply remain in the fabric and you may need to treat those garments again with cold or warm water.

It is best to wash all clothes regularly, especially knitwear and if possible at a high temperature. This will help to remove any sweat that might be deposited onto the clothes and this will in turn stop the moths and their larvae from being attracted to them.

You should also try to avoid buying new clothes that are prone to moth infestations. These can include wools and silks. When storing new or secondhand clothing and linens in closets, it is best to store them in airtight containers that are not in direct contact with other clothes, such as resealable garment bags.

 It is also best to line closet shelves and drawers with mothballs or small drawstring bags filled with dried herbs that are known to repel moths, such as lavender. It is also recommended to replace wood closet furnishings with cedar equivalents, as the natural oils in cedar are powerful enough to kill moth larvae.

 You can even place cedar shavings inside drawers and other furniture to repel moths! You can also spray your clothes with a mothproofing product. However, this is not always an effective solution as it can be difficult to control moths that have accumulated in your clothes over time and these products often contain pesticides which you would not want to be ingested into your system.


Moths are pests that cause considerable damage to clothing, fabrics, and dry goods. These little critters can be hard to get rid of, but there are many ways to do it without using harsh chemicals or dangerous insecticides.

Herbs, as you may know from your cooking or gardening, can help repel a variety of insects including moths. Herbs can also be used for other purposes, such as adding flavor to a dish or helping a garden grow healthier. To make a moth repellent, combine these herbs in a small bag and hang it where you keep your clothes or other belongings. This will deter moths from settling in and laying eggs.

The next step is to clean all infested areas and dispose of any food items that have been damaged by moths or their larvae. For pantry items, this means cleaning out all infested boxes and removing any cereals, grains, flour, beans, nuts, dried fruit, birdseed, dry animal food, spices, tea, chocolate, or candies that may be contaminated by larvae.

For moths that have already gotten into your clothes, make a laundry pile of your infested items and wash them with hot water and detergent. Once the clothes are clean, remove them from the dryer and hang them out to dry in a warm, sunny location.


A moth infestation is a major issue that can cause significant damage to clothing, linens and other fabrics. Fortunately, there are many ways to control them and get rid of the problem quickly.

One method is to spray the moths with a pesticide. These chemicals can kill the moths, but they also leave a toxic residue that can be dangerous to pets and people. Make sure to follow the label instructions when using a pesticide.

The most effective method for moth control is to thoroughly clean the affected areas and to use a good, natural pesticide that does not have any toxic residues. Several commercially available pesticides are safe to use around children and pets, but be aware of the product’s toxicity level before applying it. If you find signs of a moth infestation on clothes, you should wash them right away to remove the eggs and larvae.

Clothes moths are attracted to stains and perspiration spots on clothes. To keep your clothes and linens free of moths, clean them regularly and vacuum them to eliminate odors that can attract the insects. This will also help to eliminate moisture that the moths need to thrive.

Lastly, you can store your clothes and linens in a sealed container when not in use, to prevent the insects from finding them again. This will reduce the likelihood of the insects spreading into other rooms in your home and causing more problems.

When inspecting your closets and fabric storage areas, be sure to pay close attention to creases and seams where the larvae prefer to feed.

This will help you pinpoint the source of the moth infestation and locate any infested items that need to be cleaned. If you are unsure of what type of moth is infesting your home, it’s best to consult a pest professional for a thorough inspection. A trained technician will be able to identify the specific pest and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.


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