Who is Negin Behazin?

Dr. Negin Behazin is a primary care physician who is affiliated with Pathway Medical Group in Garden Grove, California. She specializes in internal medicine and has over 26 years of experience. Learn more about this doctor, including if she accepts insurance plans and what her educational background is. Check out her profile below to learn more about her.

Who is Negin Behazin?

Negin Behazin is a medical professional with an impressive 26 years of experience. She specializes in Internal Medicine and is affiliated with Pathway Medical Group in Garden Grove, CA. She graduated from the Islamic Azad University Tehran Faculty of Medicine in 1997 and is licensed to practice in California. She is also a proud member of the American College of Physicians. She is the author of The Big Book of the Best of Medicine and has a reputation for being a highly competent doctor who takes her patients’ needs seriously. In fact, she has been dubbed by her peers as the Queen of Patients. She is a fan of the concept of teamwork, and enjoys seeing her patients as a family, rather than just a patient set.

What is Negin Behazin’s Bio?

Negin Behazin is a medical doctor who serves patients as a primary care physician in Garden Grove, California. She has an extensive background in psychiatry and is well-versed in treating anxiety and mood disorders. She believes in treating a patient’s entire body rather than just their symptoms, and she strives to make sure that her patients receive the best treatment possible for their conditions. She also specializes in cross-system illnesses, which may affect multiple organic systems.

Negin Behazin has a history of battling discrimination, and she is now an outspoken advocate for the rights of Iranian Americans. She is the current CEO of Dignity Health, one of the largest healthcare systems in the country, and she was previously President and CEO of St. Joseph’s Health System in Orange, California. She is currently the founder and President of the Iranian American Medical Association, which was formed to help raise awareness about discrimination against Iranian Americans in the workplace. She has also filed a lawsuit against her former employer, Dignity Health, for discrimination and retaliation. This case received much attention, and it served as a wake-up call to the healthcare industry about the need to address issues such as discrimination against transgender individuals.

What is Negin Behazin’s Net Worth?

Negin Behazin’s net worth is currently estimated at $1.5 million. She is a medical professional who works as an internal medicine specialist in Garden Grove, California. She has an extensive amount of experience in diagnosing and managing pulmonary diseases. She is also involved in research and publishes medical journal articles. She is also a mentor for other doctors, helping them develop their careers and increase their knowledge in the field. She is a member of the American Society of Internal Medicine. She has been in the medical industry for 26 years and has earned a good reputation among her patients. She is currently a member of Pathway Medical Group. She accepts most major insurance plans. She can be contacted through her website or phone number.


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