What Is a Surety Bond for Jail? A Complete Guide

What Is a Surety Bond for Jail? A Complete Guide

You may have noticed your local sheriff or county jail provides a surety bond to cover the cost of release before trial. You may be wondering what is a surety bond for jail. Paying the released individual costs is not the only way a sheriff's department can use a surety bond. They can also use it to cover the medical costs of inmates. Other uses include covering the cost of cleanup after a prisoner escapes. You may want to hire a jail service provider and want to know if they have a surety bond. You also may want to understand the need for jails to use one. Want to learn how a surety bond works? Want to know why some claim a county or sheriff? Read on!  Understanding the Basics of Surety Bonds: What They Are and How They Work What is a surety bond for jail? It is a type of f...
How Installment Loans Work

How Installment Loans Work

Installment loans can be a lifeline for people in dire financial circumstances. But, before taking out such loans, reviewing the terms and conditions is essential. Personal installment loans typically offer lower interest rates than payday loans and can help borrowers build their credit scores. They also come with flexible repayment terms and are easier to manage. Rates Installment loans can be obtained longer than payday advances, providing borrowers with a more manageable repayment plan.  Borrowers can use these loans to pay for personal expenses, important purchases and emergencies. They can also use a fixed interest rate to help with budgeting. Unlike secured loans, where the borrower puts up collateral such as their car (with title loans), unsecured loans like those offered by M...
5 Standard Things To Do After a Las Vegas Vehicle Accident

5 Standard Things To Do After a Las Vegas Vehicle Accident

Any type of accident has the potential to turn into a huge hassle. Add the population, heat, and bright lights of Las Vegas to the mix, and you're in for something even worse. If you're ever in an accident while driving through Sin City, you need an extremely efficient plan of action. As frustrating as accidents already are, the last thing you want is to add extra red tape and time to your situation. We're here to help. Read on to learn exactly what you need to do after a Las Vegas vehicle accident. Assess Injuries This includes any drivers, passengers, or pedestrians that were involved. Take the time to look for bleeding, swelling, numbness, or any other visible physical injury. Evaluate the level of pain and discomfort being experienced. During this assessment, note the lo...
What Are The Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident?

What Are The Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident?

Car accidents are traumatic and can change a victim’s life forever. It leaves them with emotional and physical injuries that can take a while to bounce back from. Which is what concerns people when they are involved in these types of accidents. It’s important to understand the most common injuries that individuals may sustain after a car accident that way you know what to look out for. You don’t want to assume you’re fine if there’s an injury that goes unnoticed. The best driving practices are the ones that keep you safe. Whiplash: A Sudden Jerk to the Neck Whiplash is a typical injury that happens in car accidents. This occurs when the sudden impact jerks your head back and forth. The reason this injury hurts people is the lack of preparation when you are impacted. The movement hurt...
Can a Pedestrian Be Held Liable for a Car Accident?

Can a Pedestrian Be Held Liable for a Car Accident?

Living in a world that is full of different types of transportation, it’s no surprise that accidents can happen quickly. Car accidents involving pedestrians are not unheard of. It often leads to discussions about who is liable for the accident. Is it possible for a pedestrian to be held liable? It can be a tough question to answer considering there are loads of circumstances to determine who is at fault. It’s important to understand the several factors that come into play when assessing pedestrian liability in car accidents. That way you can keep yourself protected if something like this happens to you. The Principle of Negligence The only way to understand who is at fault in these types of situations is to learn the principle of negligence. This refers to the failure of reasonable c...
What Are the Most Effective Strategies for Preventing Distracted Driving Among Teens?

What Are the Most Effective Strategies for Preventing Distracted Driving Among Teens?

Distracted driving has become an issue in today’s fast-paced world. Especially when it comes to the younger generation. Smartphones are a great tool for communication, but they are the main cause of distracted driving. Teens are too eager to answer a text or look at their phone, causing them to take their eyes off the road. Leading to loads of accidents and injuries that could have been avoided. Trusted adults must implement ways for teens to get off their phones and focus on driving. The experienced car accident lawyers at Riddle & Brantley in North Carolina have provided some of the most impactful strategies for preventing distracted driving among teens. Education and Awareness A major approach to distracted driving among teens is spreading awareness of the dangers of distracte...
Is It Illegal to Not Hire Women? A Labor Law Overview

Is It Illegal to Not Hire Women? A Labor Law Overview

Do you have questions about discrimination? Equal employment opportunities have been guaranteed to women for years. Should you worry about getting in trouble for discriminating against women? No, but you should be sure to follow labor law. Is it illegal to not hire women? Well, violating labor law could result in problems for your employer. After all, doing so could result in legal issues and labor investigations. To learn about an important labor law that relates to gender discrimination in employment, read the guide below. Gender Discrimination Laws in the Hiring Process Gender discrimination laws are aimed at preventing employers from discriminating against job applicants. This is by considering an individual's gender during the recruitment process. These laws are part...

How To File a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Have you been injured in an accident and believe that someone else's negligence led to your pain and suffering? You might be entitled to compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. This process might seem daunting, but with the right preparation and legal assistance, you can navigate this process confidently. In this article, we break down the process of filing a personal injury lawsuit in important stages, providing guidance and useful tips along the way. Understanding the Basics of Personal Injury Law   Personal injury law, often known as tort law, deals with civil cases where a plaintiff claims to have been harmed physically, emotionally, or financially due to the negligence of another person. Personal injury cases can arise from a variety of ...
When Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

When Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

Whether you’re severely injured in an accident or not, you’ll probably have many legal concerns that only a lawyer can address. You want to know your rights to file a claim, if you really have a case, and how much compensation you should get, if any. Above all, you’ll also wonder whether to hire a lawyer. You can get a lawyer to help you file a personal injury compensation or do it yourself. If you’re seriously injured, you may need to focus on your recovery and not have time to follow up with your claim process.  A lawyer can act on your behalf to collect evidence, talk to witnesses, and put together the paperwork for filing your personal injury claim. However, if you only have mild injuries, you should be able to do all the leg work by yourself. Deciding to hire a lawyer for you...
7 Things You Need to Know if You’re in a Pedestrian Accident

7 Things You Need to Know if You’re in a Pedestrian Accident

Over 7,380 pedestrian deaths occurred in a single year. Pedestrian fatalities account for 17% of all crash fatalities. If you're ever hurt in a pedestrian accident, you need to take action. Otherwise, you'll have to pay for your medical expenses (and lost wages while you heal) out of your own pocket.  Read on to discover the steps you need to follow after a serious pedestrian accident to fight for compensation.  Move to Safety First, try to remain calm so you can fully assess your health and the situation. If you're in serious pain, don't move. You may have sustained a spinal cord injury. Moving prematurely could result in more serious injuries. If you feel okay moving, try to move to the nearest sidewalk or shoulder as soon as possible. Move beyond incoming traffic to...