When Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

Whether you’re severely injured in an accident or not, you’ll probably have many legal concerns that only a lawyer can address. You want to know your rights to file a claim, if you really have a case, and how much compensation you should get, if any. Above all, you’ll also wonder whether to hire a lawyer.

You can get a lawyer to help you file a personal injury compensation or do it yourself. If you’re seriously injured, you may need to focus on your recovery and not have time to follow up with your claim process. 

A lawyer can act on your behalf to collect evidence, talk to witnesses, and put together the paperwork for filing your personal injury claim. However, if you only have mild injuries, you should be able to do all the leg work by yourself.

Deciding to hire a lawyer for your personal injury claim is your decision, and the law doesn’t mandate you to do so. But if you’re confused about whether it’s the right thing to do, this article offers you the guidance you need.

When to Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident

If you get injured in a car accident due to someone else’s fault, you deserve compensation for your injuries and damages. The compensation should cover your medical bills, lost wages, damages to your car, and more. 

However, getting the other driver’s insurance company to pay for your compensation is not always easy.

The insurance companies will always look for the best possible reason to reduce the amount you get for compensation or even deny your claim. For example, a delay in filing your personal injury claim can jeopardize your chances of compensation.

Working with a personal injury lawyer right from the beginning of your claim should help you establish a strong case. 

A lawyer will help you collect evidence and put together the paperwork for filing your claim. They’ll swiftly take over your case and negotiate with the insurance company as you focus on your recovery.

Even if your injuries seem minor and the fault is clear, you should still consider talking to a lawyer. An injury that appears minor can be more severe than it seemed initially. 

A lawyer can help evaluate your case and give you a legal opinion on whether the case is worth pursuing or not.

So, the best time to hire a lawyer after a car accident is as soon as possible. A lawyer will help you build your case from the beginning and prevent you from making mistakes that can interfere with your claim process. 

Having someone to take care of the paperwork and the negotiations will give you peace of mind while you focus on your recovery.

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

While the law does not require you to have a lawyer represent you after a car accident, you still need to hire one. 

Here are some of the reasons the help of a lawyer will come in handy during your personal injury claim and lawsuit.

Investigate your Case

If you get involved in a serious accident and end up with severe injuries, you won’t have time to take pictures and collect evidence of the accident. 

In the worst-case scenario, you won’t even be in a position to talk to the police. All you need to focus on right after the accident is getting medical attention for your injuries.

However, the evidence about your car accident will disappear with time, and you might not have a strong case once you can investigate.

Getting a lawyer to investigate and analyze your claim right from the beginning will help you build a strong case. A lawyer will help you get a police report, gather witnesses, interview expert witnesses, and build a case.

Calculate Your Losses

An experienced personal injury attorney will also calculate the losses you incurred due to the accident. 

They’ll then come rough figure on what you deserve for compensation. They will look at the things such as the extent of your injuries, the medical bills, the recovery period, and the economic losses.

If you suffer long-term injuries, the resulting consequences must be calculated appropriately. 

The lawyer will talk to your doctors to determine any future medical bills as well as your pain and suffering. A lawyer will calculate all these and determine how much you should get based on your losses.

Negotiate With the Insurance Company

Once the investigations are over and your lawyer already has an idea of how much you should get, it’s time to talk to the insurance. 

This is usually the most difficult part because insurance companies work with professional claim adjusters. They’ll always look for ways to reduce your claim as much as possible.

Lawyers have professional experience and legal knowledge under their sleeves and will handle the insurance company head-on. 

Armed with a rough idea of how much you deserve, they’ll know whether to accept the amount the insurance company offers or deny it.

Your attorney will also see to it that the insurance company doesn’t come up with tactics to delay your compensation. They’ll not only ensure you get the amount you deserve but also get it on time.

File a Lawsuit

Sometimes, the negotiations may not bear fruit even after going back and forth with the insurance company. 

When it reaches this point, the next action will be to file a lawsuit. Your lawyer will handle all the legal paperwork required to go to court.

When the hearing date finally arrives, your lawyer will be the one to represent you. They present an argument before the judges about your case and cross-examine witnesses. 

Sometimes, you might not even need to present yourself before the judge, as your lawyer will handle everything.

Final Thoughts

Hiring a lawyer might not be the first thing that comes to your mind after a car accident, but absolutely necessary in the long run. 

You need to hire a lawyer as soon as possible to help you file a personal injury claim and negotiate with the insurance on your behalf.

The good news is that your car accident lawyer will not charge anything upfront in most cases. Many law firms will work on your case on a contingency basis and only take their share after you get your compensation. 

So, nothing should stop you from hiring a lawyer immediately after a car accident.

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