Common Causes of Hair Fall


There are many causes of hair fall, but the most common is a hereditary condition called androgenic alopecia. Both men and women get this condition as they age, which results in thinning hair along the hairline and bald spots on the scalp.

Other common causes include stress, certain medications, some nutrients, and autoimmune skin diseases. If you have any of these conditions, it’s important to get diagnosed and treated early.


Stress is the body’s response to challenges or demands. In short bursts, stress can be positive, helping you avoid danger or meet a deadline, but long-term chronic stress may cause physical and mental health problems, including hair loss.

Stress can be caused by many different things, such as the threat of job loss, family problems, or health issues. But the most common causes of stress are everyday situations that cause high levels of tension or worry.

Usually, you can tell if you’re stressed because your heart is pounding and your muscles tighten. This is your body’s reaction to a stressful situation, such as an exam or an important meeting.

However, if you’re constantly exposed to stressors, your body can start releasing too many of these hormones. This can lead to many negative effects, including a higher risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and weight gain.

You can also get a condition called trichotillomania, where you develop an irresistible urge to pull your hair out. This can be a result of stress or a medical condition, such as a thyroid disorder or iron deficiency.

In severe cases, people can lose their entire head of hair. This is known as alopecia areata, and it’s more common in people who have other autoimmune disorders.

If you’re experiencing hair loss that seems to be linked to stress, talk with your doctor about it. They can check your hormones, medications, nutrition, and other factors that could be causing the hair to fall out. They can also recommend topical treatments and/or medications that may help prevent the hair from falling out.


Medications, including antihypertensives, blood pressure medications, and cholesterol-lowering drugs, can make your hair fall out. Those medications include lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril), captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), and simvastatin (Zocor).

The most common drug that causes hair loss is methotrexate, a medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. It can cause hair to fall out in about 1% to 3% of patients. Folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, is often prescribed to alleviate this side effect.

One of the newest additions to the medication cabinet is a new class of blood thinners called nitric oxide (NO) inhibitors. These medications work by dilating the arteries, which helps lower blood pressure.

If you’re taking any of these drugs, be sure to ask your doctor about the possibility of hair fall. You might need to stop taking them temporarily or take a different medication.

Fortunately, most of the medications that can cause hair loss are relatively rare and rarely cause major issues. Treatment usually involves a combination of hair care products, medications, stress management, and lifestyle changes. Getting the best results requires patience and persistence, but you can have a full head of hair once again. By following the tips above, you can achieve long-term success and avoid any unnecessary visits to the doctor. Good luck! And have fun! You’re worth it! See you soon.


Hormones control many aspects of our body, including growth and development, metabolism – how we get energy from food – sexual function, reproduction, and mood. When a hormone doesn’t work properly, it causes a disorder called a hormonal disease.

Hormonal changes can occur because of a variety of factors, including puberty, menopause, pregnancy, stress, and the environment. They also can be caused by certain diseases or medications.

A woman’s hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, are very important for stimulating hair growth. However, these hormones can drop during pregnancy and as a woman gets older, leading to hair thinning.

Female pattern baldness, which is the most common form of hair loss in women, results from this hormonal imbalance. DHT is found in the skin, hair follicles, and prostate glands. The sensitivity of these organs to DHT leads to an increase in the amount of hair that falls out over time, causing thinning or balding [2, 3].

The most common hormones that cause female pattern baldness are estrogen and progesterone. The levels of these hormones decrease during menopause, which is also a common cause of baldness in women.

These hormones can also be altered by a number of conditions, such as gout and hyperthyroidism. Additionally, a person’s diet can affect the production of these hormones.

Often, a person’s hormone levels can be controlled with medication. These medications may help slow down or reverse the effects of these hormones on your body, but they need to be taken with a doctor’s approval and under the supervision of a medical professional.

Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options that can help you regain a full head of healthy hair. For instance, if you’re suffering from a condition like PCOS that causes an excessive level of androgens in your body, you can use hair supplements to lower the levels of these hormones.


A diet deficient in essential nutrients can cause your hair to thin and break off faster than it grows. Adding foods that contain iron, zinc, and other beneficial ingredients to your daily diet is the only way to ensure your locks grow long and healthy.

Refined carbohydrates, like cakes, bread, and pasta, are a major contributor to hair loss. They break down into sugar and raise insulin levels in the body, which can have a negative effect on your tresses.

Protein – This ingredient is vital to the formation of hair follicles, and in turn can promote thicker healthier-looking locks. It can be found in all kinds of food, from meats to beans, seeds, and nuts.

In general, the best type of proteins to eat are lean meats and low-fat dairy products. Several vegetables are also full of good stuff, such as spinach, kale, and beets.

The most important nutrient is probably Vitamin A. While this vitamin is necessary for proper cell growth and repair, it can be difficult to absorb in the absence of adequate intake, making this a great reason to include some fruit in your diet.

Other important dietary components that may aid in hair loss are vitamins C and E, B complex vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and potassium. Fortunately, there are many high-quality, healthy options on the market that will provide your hair with what it needs to thrive.


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